Friday, May 04, 2007

AHHH!!! Finally!! I can share my pictures! It has been an exhausting 2 months trying to recover photos, get my camera to work, and get my crazy computer to upload these photos.
I suppose by now, no one but me, Amber and Joyce even know this blog exists! I guess that makes it easy on me, huh?
Not really, I still am doing my best to record this munchkins every move.
Zion was 7 (maybe 8 months?) when I took these pictures of his first pincer grasp practice sessions! He loves his veggie puffs, but getting them to his mouth is not so easy!
"Hey mom! Doesn't it make me look so cute? Can I get a nose ring?"


Lizzybeth said...

I still remembered!! Finally...he is such a munchkin

beckjam said...

i check it, too. nice to see the new pics!