Sunday, January 20, 2008

Zion and I had lots of fun surprises on Sunday!
(thank you Alisha for snapping this picture
of Zion, as well as the rest of the pictures!)

First, our 6 month old friend, Koen came over
to hang out with us while his parents went to a movie.

Then, Alisha and Lori came to our house with April!
I haven't seen April since this summer, so this made it
even more fun to see my girlfriends.

(above picture from left to right: Nikki (who's baby will be arriving any day!), April (20 weeks pregnant), Alisha (not pregnant!), me ( not pregnant!), and Lori (pregnant and due in May).
While me, April, Alisha and Lori were visiting,
Nikki called to say she was stopping by with
Mia and her mom. What perfect timing!
(Pictured below: Mia (2) and Nikki)

Zion actually shared his toys with Mia.
Good boy!

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