Friday, February 02, 2007

I know you are all anxious to see recent pics of me (Zion,) but patience, patience, please, Mom's got some catching up to do on the pics and wanted to show you my cousins and aunties and uncles and g-ma/g-pa's too! This first pic is Auntie Tiff with cousin Owen, me and mom, and Auntie Amber and cousin Maya. We're the 3 youngest of all the cousins!

Here is cute little 'ol me with mom and dad on Christmas Day!

I'm checking out the gift wrap while Auntie Brenda and Auntie Amber and mommy pose for the camera.

The only pic G-ma and G-pa Earle got in with me is holding a picture of me! oops, sorry g-ma!

1 comment:

Faith said...

You have the cutest family ever! :)