Wednesday, June 28, 2006


A lot has happened since last week. We've gone to 3 Dr's appt's, had 4 sonograms, and had 2 baby showers. I'll first just say, Zion is doing great. I'll have to explain the need for the numerous sonograms with more posts and pics, but basically, we had a sonogram done that revealed that Zion has a little fluid in his right lung cavity. It shouldn't be there, so the doc is watching him closely now, which means weekly sonograms with biophysical tests. The biophysical test is a measurement of the amt of amniotic fluid present, checking to see that Zion is moving around, checking to see that he's practicing breathing, and one other thing that I can't remember. Good news is, Zion passed his first biophysical test today! He's not doing gymnastics anymore, but it feels like he's switched to yoga.
OH, and he's estimated to weigh about 6 pounds. Oh, and somehow, I gained 4 pounds since my appt just 1 week ago. I'm trying to figure out how I gained that much in 7 days.................


1 comment:

Tim, Danielle, Natalie, Jeremiah and Caleb said...

We are totally stoked for you guys!
Our kids will have to hang when their old enough! We will know the gender in less than 3 weeks!
Thanks again for your little prop on our xanga blog.
Have a blessed day and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Until then . . . enjoy the ride!
Timmy and D