3 Months Old!
Tomorrow, it's official--he'll be exactly 3 months! Crazy how fast the time has already gone by. Many of you have asked for recent pics, so enjoy! I took these photos and submitted this first one for Baby Gap's casting call. Hey, his dad is a finalist for Zest's Men of Adventure, so this little guy could be in Baby Gap's finalist picks too! Sorry there are not photos of me and Jeremy with him! Whenever I have a chance to post pics, it's usually when Jeremy is out of town, which means I'm by myself with

Zion, and I'm not really coordinated with trying to hold Zion and the camera and somehow get myself in the picture! When Jeremy is here, his computer is attached to him like a ventilator, so no pic uploading for me! SIGHhhhhhh....one of these days we'll get a family photo on here!

Zion has discovered his hands, and if I let him, he would suck on his fingers all day!